Monthly Archives : September 2015

villas in cala conta luxury urbanization (2)Gated Community in Cala Conta. An Eco-friendly Luxury Development

Gated Community in Cala Conta. An Eco-friendly Luxury Development

The luxury gated community Calaconta is the first residential development of its kind in Ibiza. This complex of private villas offers a number of amenities, a sophisticated security system and respects the environment. Furthermore, it is located very close to the famous beaches of Cala Conta (Cales de Comte, in ibicencan), one of the most desirable and less developed areas of Ibiza.

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© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston


The residential complex is located on the northwest coast of Ibiza, 500 meters from the beaches of Cala Conta, one of the most impressive stretches of Mediterranean coast. The complex consists of houses oriented to the famous Ibizan sunsets, with the islands of S’illa del Bosc and Conejera framing the picturesque scenery. Calaconta urbanization is situated 20 minutes from the airport and 30 minutes from Ibiza Town. In the nearby area there are many points of interests for visitors. The northwest coast of Ibiza has some of the best beaches, restaurants, beach clubs and hotels on the island. The nightlife of San Antonio is a 10 minutes drive and Platja d’en Bossa is 20 minutes away.

© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston


The villas in Cala Conta were designed by architect MAGED Barmawi and present a modern architecture of Ibizan inspiration equipped with advanced technology. These buildings aim to reveal a modern architecture that breaks the traditional boundaries of the houses and to focus attention on the nature around them. This focus is achieved through the use of noble materials such as marble, wood and iron that evoke the dominant colors of the island; on the other hand, natural stones are quarried from the sorrounding land so that walls and terrain are intentionally confused in a single indoor-outdoor space.

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© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston

These buildings present a successful fusion between a fundamentally minimalist design, but inspired by the traditional architecture of Ibiza, which stands as a whole by straight lines and a mixture of cubic volumes. The result is pure and simple shapes, but thanks to more organic elements like natural stone walls, dehumanization and coldness, that sometimes stigmatizes minimalist architecture, is in part avoided.

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© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston

The homes in the gated community are planned on three types or sizes:

House Area Bedrooms Plot
Type 1 661 m²

7119 f²

4/8 1.100 / 1.700 m²

11.840 ft² /18.298 ft²

Type 2 694 m²

7475 f²

4/8 1.100 / 1.700 m²

11.840 ft² /18.298 ft²

Type 3 792 m²

8529 f²

4/8 1.100 / 1.700 m²

11.840 ft² /18.298 ft²

© The Clover

Each villa is west facing and has a private pool and large terraces, gardens, secure parking and panoramic views of the sunsets of Cala Conta. Architecture has been used to create natural air currents to reduce the need for air conditioning. Each house recycles all their water and has its own geothermal system for cooling, heating and generating hot water, with a minimum consumption of conventional energy sources.

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© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston

The buyer is also offered with the possibility of designing the interiors of the home from scratch, together with Calaconta’s department of architecture, always respecting the esterior architectural style of the complex and thus maintaining a modern version of the architectural essence of Ibiza.

© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston


Calaconta is the first development of the island with green credentials, such as been qualified eco-friendly. As mentioned above, the villas are supplied with geothermal energy for heating and cooling, efficient rain water recovery system for garden irrigation and greywater recycling through a treatment process. The promoter José Peman says that, during the construction of the complex, recycling of aggregates was performed; rocks and earth have been removed from the sorroundings, thus reducing fuel costs deriving from transport.

© The Clover / Photos: Conrad White, Jordi Gomez, Adam Johnston


Calaconta villas have 24-hour security every day of the year. The gated community has private paved roads, accessible only through a checkpoint with personalized access. Besides being a gated complex, it has an active and passive perimeter security system, thermal, volumetric and contact controls, all centralized in the checkpoint office of the urbanization. Thanks to these stringent security measures, Calaconta is also presented as a lucrative investment opportunity for vacational rentals.


Calaconta aims to be the finest of all residential complex in Ibiza. The gated community offers a personalized 24-hour concierge service and has a Spa center with water treatments, massages, cardio zone and gym, among others. Community gardens are the result of a sustainable landscape design that has been raised with simplicity and functionality: grass, arid zone plants and aromatic succulents plants that are kept throughout the year. The administration offers the owner of each house the possibility of hiring lawn care and pool.

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© The Clover

Completion of the residential complex Calaconta is planned in the summer of 2017. So far 29 of the 32 villas have been sold, so it may be finished earlier. Currently, in Kelosa we have three properties for sale in Calaconta urbanization. For more information, click here: Luxury houses for sale in Cala Conta 


BROOKER, Nathan. Upmarket homes for sale that offer the perfect weekend escape. Financial Times [online]. Agost 2013. [Retrieved 9/1/2015]

AFACAN, Dominique. Luxury Property in Ibiza. Forbes [online]. November 2014. [Retrieved 9/1/2015]

MAGALY. Calaconta by Maged Bermawi. HOMEDSGN [online]. July 2013. [Retrieved 9/2/2015]

AVAREZ, Paz. Casas de lujo… fáciles de vender, a pesar del precio. CincoDías [online]. July 2013. [Retrieved 9/2/2015]


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Title - Minimalist Architecture in Ibiza-2Minimalist Architecture in Ibiza. Roots & Trends

Minimalist Architecture in Ibiza. Roots & Trends

When we talk about of Spanish architecture, we often think of gilded stuccos, intricate arches, colorful tiles or open courtyards with ornamental balustrades. However, Ibiza is a world unto itself. The hallmark of the new Ibizan style is elegant, white and minimalist. And, as we will see next, these aspects aren’t only the product of a new trend, but rather for centuries formed part of Ibiza’s rural architecture.


During the 30s intellectuals from various fields visited Ibiza, getting some of them to spend long periods on the island. Among them were architects belonging to the GATEPAC group, like Josep Lluís Sert and German Rodriguez Arias, aswell as fellow German architect Erwin Broner. All of them were fascinated by traditional Ibizan architecture. Above all they found Ibiza’s traditional finca as an austere, practical and fully functional home, representing perfectly the basics of concept and identity of modern architecture. Although long before the minimalist discipline and the Bauhaus school, these architects were surprised at how the Ibizan finca mostly met the guidelines that marked this new trend. The ibizan rural house fascinated by its simplicity, the functionality of each element, its integration into the landscape, all built in a rational way that captivated these modern architects of the time.

[caption id="attachment_1236" align="alignleft" width="271"]Josep Lluís Sert (izq.) Josep Lluís Sert (left)[/caption]

As architect Josep Lluís Sert explains, according to a transcript of his speeches in the symposium held at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Ibiza in 1973, when it comes to Ibiza’s traditional rural architecture:

“This simple, white, rational architecture had a dimension and a human scale. The houses were obeying human needs and not responding to architectural orders of other times and cultures. We saw that this special and popular architecture had some constants. We could not tell what century this or that house was build, as this became irrelevant, because hardly anything changed in this type of architecture over the centuries. It was a perpetuation of forms endorsed by use. “

And it is especially in the perpetuation of forms endorsed by use and in the obedience to human needs, where we find the main link between the Ibizan rural architecture and architectural minimalism. Also, its possible to see that the traditional Ibizan finca meets most of the properties that define minimalist architecture:     

-Basic rectilinear geometry
Façade importance
Literal use of material
Austerity. Absence of ornaments
Structural and functional purism
Reduction and synthesis
-Economy of means

And, if the remaining three characteristics (Dematerialization, Order, Industrial production and standardization) are not being met or only partially, it is more due to technological advances and resources not available at that time, than due to a logical or natural development by this architectural discipline to comply with them.

The modern concept of the Ibizan fincas build by the architects of Blakstad Design Consultants, founded by Rolph Blakstad, could in fact represent what could be the natural evolution of the Ibizan rural architecture into a modern version of itself. To adapt to modern trends and requirements, these homes have been appropriated with minimalist elements to solve some of the major problems of the old fincas, but with a strong influence of traditional Ibizan finca design. The availability of modern materials, techniques and machinery allows, among others, to raise ceilings, structures that increase exterior light, roomy and diaphanous interior spaces and to expand sizes of rooms and entrances.

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© Kelosa | Ibiza Selected Properties

Modern villas in Ibiza usually have diaphanous floors and large windows, maximizing the views of the islands mediterranean landscapes. Among the Ibizan modern houses purely minimalist styles can be found, but also influences of other architectural disciplines such as Blakstad style or designs that combine both modern and traditional disciplines, with one or another more prominent.

A good example of a recent trend is the country estate Can Basso, as the result of a respectful renovation of an old finca over 300 years old. The architect did not remove any element of the original structure of the country house, but has changed some interiors, to be suited for latest trend designs in space and furniture, and added a few minimalist design elements like pool, windows, walls and garden. The result is an elegant combination of both disciplines, with a clear greater role of the original Ibizan finca style.

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Finca Can Basso -© Greg Jouslin/F. Dimmers

Another example is Can Durban, designed by Belgian architect Bruno Erpicum. Erpicum projects are known for a purist minimalism: large, white, bright villas and in search of infinite lines. In this case his work shows us a reinterpretation of the traditional house of Ibiza, with a strong role of minimalism. The result is, for example, frameless windows to benefit from wide views of the landscape, or prolonged and roomy interior spaces, providing what once was a traditional finca with a fundamentally minimalist architecture.

                           Pictures: Can Durban /© AABE – Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners

Minimalist architecture, at its core, reduces the structure to its basic elements, simplifying the design of spaces and providing serenity and tranquility, which are, in a sense synonymous with Ibizan style. The minimalist elements typically include pure materials from basic manufacturing, that harmonize effortlessly with natural light, form and space. With its roots in Japanese traditions and the Zen philosophy, minimalism is based on the transmission of calm through the essence, using the aesthetic principles of open spaces and the absence of unnecessary clutter that can be caused by architectural ornaments or decorative elements.

© AABE – Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners

At its best, the concept is realized when, on entering the house, from the first instant views are there from the living hall, across the pool deck and beyond to the landscape. In the same way, when we get the impression that the the room extends to the outdoor terrace, because architectural elements merge the two spaces, that is minimalism in its best form. One can say that minimalist architectural represents these sensations as an integral element and perfectly embodies the serene and relaxed feeling that Ibiza stands for.

We have seen that there is an undeniable connection between the two architectures. Therefore, it makes all the sense in the world here to invest in simple and austere standards, as it is found in the roots of Ibizan architecture.







Referencias/ Fuentes:

FERRER ABARZUZA, A. (1974). «La casa campesina de Ibiza». Madrid: Narria.

FERNÁNDEZ, R. (1998). «El laboratorio americano». Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva

CUERDA, Mª Concepción. La vivienda mínima en España: primer paso del debate sobre la vivienda social. Scripta Nova [en línea]. 1 de agosto de 2003, Vol. VII, núm. 146(023) [fecha de consulta: 30 de agosto 2015] 

SERT, Josep Lluís (1973) «intervenciones de Josep Lluis Sert en la charla coloquio celebrada en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Ibiza». Disponible en: Grup d’Opinió d’Arquitectes.


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